18 Aug 2015

Ramdhan, Syawal and Me

  • ID 150709794
I would like to share my story about Ramadhan Syawal and me,every years my family and me fasting and goes taraweh prayer at mosque together,event my parent busy at work place.Young brother and me always go to bazaar Ramadhan for buying little food for iftar.When school holidays,family and i back to my village at MELAKA,i so happy because i can meet my grandmother and grandfather.Not just this,I can fast and iftar with my big family.On 2014,my grandmother passed away and my Ramadhan not liked every years.I feel so sad because i cannot fast and iftar with my grandmother liked past years Ramadhan.I still remember,last Ramadhan my grandmother i look her very happy.I always remember,I bring water for her every time.On 2015,I continue my studies at KPTM KUANTAN.At my college I get Human Resource Management course.I feel happy and the sometimes I feel sad because i away with family.

First day,I fasting and iftar with my new friends together at college.I spend on my in feet,and first time I leave at hostel in my life.When I fast and iftar with my friends together I be more machet.In orientions, I learning more things about descipline and moral value.A few day gone,the day by day Syawal is coming.And first time I back to KUALA LUMPUR board bus.I feel so nervous and excited to board the bus.This is my experience in my life.

First Syawal,family and I goes to mosque for prayer.After prayer,family and I visit to grave my grandmother.The something i like is when celebrate with my big family,more food in the morning Syawal.Food I like eats is redang,ketupat and lemang my grandfather.Every Syawal,my grandfather making lemang so delicious.On Hari Raya,forgive is importants for all muslim in world.


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