What is money? I bet that everyone knows “money” very well.
Money helps many people in buying and selling. Nowadays,money are needed much. Some of people think, if they don’t
have money,they can’t live happily. For them,money are 'almighty dollar'. Universally,acknowledge that we have all
need money to live and survive. However,there are those who think that the
money is the root of evil.
My opinion for money is the root of evil is money cause
people change. First,this situation we can looks when people will able to do
anything to get money. For example,we can see when robbery was happen. Maybe
they having financial problems. So, to settle their problems, they will find
any wayto solve that problems even they must conduct criminal matters such as
rob,steal,groped pocket and killing purely to get some money.
Material problems are due to have an unmanagable financial problems. If financial problems occuring in the family instituation financial, will necessarily cause problems at home. Husband and wife will offen quarrel because often short of money to pay rent, bills, buy daily necessities and so on and so can ultimately lead to divorce. Example, divorce cases in Malaysian had increased every year because of the financial problems that are not strong.

Money is normally the fruit of labour. The question is how someone spends that money enough and enough to spare. There is nothing good or evil about money but it will have be seen when people use it in a wasting or useful way. Money can be used morally or immorally. A morally strong man may not use money in evil ways.