9 Oct 2015

My Brothers and My Sisters

Nurul Huda Binti Mohd Jaaffril
PTM 150709827

Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone! Next title is about my brothers and my sisters. I have a big family consisting of eight members such as father, mother, three brothers and two sisters. However, I am only wanted to share about my brothers and sisters only. Firstly is my oldest sister name Nurul Nadia. Secondly is Amirul Faez. Thirdly is Iqbal Syafahin. Fourth is Nurul Najwa. Fifth is Ezad Khusairy and the youngest one is me Nurul Huda.

When I was child, I was close to my oldest sister only. I do not close with other siblings because they always bullying me especially Najwa. She always make me crying while nobody not at home. When I getting older, I was closed to my three brothers because they understanding me very well. Moreover, I and my oldest sister are not closely anymore and she starts nagging and always told that I am such a lazy girl. Another my sister are always scolding me and forced me to do something that I do not even like it. 

Furthermore, when I fight with my sister, my brother will backup me and scold her. That is why I comfortable with them and if I wanted something they will fulfill it. Besides that, they also protecting me and sometimes they are overprotecting such as check my phone and also not allowed to friends with other boy. I know this is for my own good too and that is why I am not protesting it. Last but not least, I love my brothers and my sisters even though they frustrate and annoy me every times.

My Second Brother Amirul Faez

My Oldest Sister Nurul Nadia

Iqbal Syafahin

Nurul Najwa

Ezad Khusairy


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